KATAKWI: Two Children Dead, One Hospitalized in Rabies Scare

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Concern has gripped the residents of Katakwi following a distressing incident in which two children lost their lives and three others were injured after being bitten by a stray dog infected with rabies. The deceased, Otilem Vincent (6 years old) and Abonya Charles (5 years old), both residents of Okuda in Ongongoja Sub County, succumbed to their injuries at Katakwi Main Hospital on different dates this month.

According to East News, Apio Solome, the assistant in charge of the Children’s ward and an enrolled nurse, the first patient, Abonya (5 years old), was admitted on January 4, 2024, with a history of a dog attack. Despite efforts to administer diazepam as per the doctor’s prescription, the child’s condition worsened, leading to his death around 3:30 am the same night. The same dog had also bitten five others.

On January 8, 2024, another boy, Otilem (6 years old), who had also been attacked by the same dog, was admitted to the hospital. Unfortunately, he passed away at 1 am that night. On January 10, Elepo John (8 years old) was admitted in fair condition, receiving diazepam as prescribed, and was awaiting a review by the District Health Officer.

Geoffrey Omolo, the Katakwi District Chairman, confirmed the siblings’ deaths and expressed concern over the situation. He acknowledged that five people were bitten by the affected stray dog, and the community’s lack of awareness delayed immediate action. The affected individuals initially sought treatment from a local clinic, resulting in the death of one child. After the second child’s demise, the community alerted the authorities.

Omolo criticized those who concealed information and emphasized the severity of the situation, suggesting that even vaccination might not be sufficient at this point. He reported that several individuals, including the clinic owner posing as a doctor, were arrested for attempting to treat the children. Omolo urged the public to care for their dogs, warning against illegal clinics, and announced ongoing dog vaccination at Okuda Primary School.

The District Chairman revealed plans to involve the Department of Veterinary to ensure widespread dog vaccination. He emphasized the importance of community participation in the vaccination efforts, urging dog owners to take responsibility and stressed that those unable to manage a dog should refrain from keeping one. Omolo called on all communities to respond to vaccination initiatives promptly.

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Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey Examiner Journalist
Business Aggrey" is a 23-year-old Ugandan journalist and Editor-in-Chief at The Black Examiner newspaper
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