Kenyan Contingent Praised for Contributions in Reducing Al-Shabaab Threats in Somalia

Monday, October 30, 2023

Maj. Gen Muteti praised the Kenyan contingent serving with ATMIS for their significant contributions and sacrifices in reducing the threats posed by Al-Shabaab militants and protecting civilians in the Lower Juba region. He expressed his appreciation during his two-day official visit to Jubaland State to assess the welfare of troops stationed in Dhobley.

Maj. Gen Muteti also commended the various components of ATMIS, including the military, police, and civilian units, and encouraged them to continue their support for Somalia in achieving peace and stability. He acknowledged their collaboration with Somali security forces, the local administration, and the people in the region.

He stated, “Your unwavering efforts in the peacekeeping mission are commendable, and we believe that as ATMIS working with Somali Security Forces, we can jointly succeed in degrading Al-Shabaab and restoring lasting peace in Somalia.”

During his visit, Maj. Gen Muteti toured Forward Operating Bases located in ATMIS Sector Two, including Afmadhow, Hosingo, and Tabda.

Kenya remains a dedicated member of the ATMIS Troop Contributing Countries (TTCs), along with Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Uganda.

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Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey Examiner Journalist
Business Aggrey" is a 23-year-old Ugandan journalist and Editor-in-Chief at The Black Examiner newspaper
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