Mirembe Murderer Dr. Kirabo Mathew Arrested in Nairobi

Nairobi, Kenya | THE BLACK EXAMINER | The International Police (Interpol) Unit in Nairobi, Kenya, has confirmed the arrest of Dr. Mathew Kirabo Wabulembo, a fugitive convicted of the murder of his lover, Desire Mirembe, a former medical student at Makerere University.

This arrest was verified by a security source, with limited details provided, promising further information in the following day’s update. A high-profile police officer disclosed that Interpol located Kirabo in Nairobi, Kenya, and preparations are now underway for his extradition to Uganda to face murder charges.

Kirabo’s arrest marks a significant development in a case where he had evaded capture despite being convicted in absentia by the Mukono High Court last year.

On May 30, 2022, Kirabo was found guilty of the murder of Desire Mirembe in absentia by Mukono High Court Judge Henry Kaweesa. Court assessors had recommended a guilty verdict, and the judge intended to issue the sentence once Kirabo was apprehended.

Background to the case:

Desire Mirembe, aged 19, was allegedly murdered on July 10, 2015, by her boyfriend, Mathew Kirabo. Her body was discovered in Lugazi sugarcane plantations in Buikwe district on July 11, 2015.

Kirabo confessed to the murder and was charged at Jinja High Court, subsequently remanded at Nalufenya prison in Jinja. The case was later transferred to Mukono High Court on the instructions of the then principal judge, Yorokamu Bamwine, after the state argued that the crime fell within Mukono’s jurisdiction.

After a six-year delay, the High Court in Mukono finally began hearing the case on October 6. However, on November 3, 2021, Kirabo absconded from court, prompting the state to request the court to order his sureties to pay a fine of Shs 50 Million each. The case then proceeded without the suspect.

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This arrest is a significant relief for Mirembe’s family, which has been seeking justice since 2015. In 2021, the High Court in Mukono ruled that Kirabo had a case to answer in the murder of Desire Mirembe. The state presented evidence from 15 witnesses to support the case against Kirabo.

Following thorough consideration of all submissions and evidence presented by the prosecutors, Justice Kaweesa concluded that the allegations against Kirabo were substantial. Therefore, Kirabo must prepare to defend himself and provide an explanation for the accusations on February 7.

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