NEMA on the spot over Selective Evictions in Lubigi Swamp

Saturday, June 15, 2024
Nema law enforcement officers slash banana plantations in Lubigi wetland. FILE PHOTO
3 Min Read


  • Citizens Concern Africa (CICOA) and VIDEA strongly criticize NEMA’s selective eviction of vulnerable communities from Uganda’s Lubigi swamp, highlighting disparities in law enforcement. They demand equitable treatment, inclusive dialogue, and transparency from NEMA to protect environmental and human rights.

KAMPALA, (Examiner) – Citizens Concern Africa (CICOA) and Vijana for Sustainable Development and Environmental Action (VIDEA) have jointly denounced the recent actions of Uganda’s National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) concerning the forced eviction of vulnerable communities from the Lubigi swamp. The organizations expressed strong disapproval of what they describe as selective application of environmental law, targeting marginalized groups while sparing influential entities.

According to reports from Wednesday, June 11th, 2024, NEMA’s Environmental Protection Force, accompanied by local authorities, conducted a sweeping operation resulting in the displacement of hundreds of families who have long resided in the area. Despite promises of assistance, these families now find themselves homeless, exacerbating their already precarious situation.

While acknowledging NEMA’s duty to safeguard wetlands and ensure environmental sustainability, CICOA and VIDEA raised serious concerns about the apparent disparity in law enforcement. Investigations conducted by the organizations revealed that while impoverished settlers faced demolitions, businesses and affluent residences within Kampala’s wetlands remained intact, some even possessing exemption certificates.

“This selective enforcement not only undermines the rule of law but also casts doubt on the fairness of NEMA’s regulatory actions,” remarked Andrew Mafundo, Executive Director of CICOA. “Environmental protection should not be a tool used against the less privileged, while the affluent evade accountability,” he added.

Rosette Nandutu, Executive Director of VIDEA, echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the plight of those affected by the evictions. “The actions of NEMA have disproportionately impacted vulnerable communities, leaving many without shelter and vulnerable to further hardships,” she stated. “NEMA must operate with transparency and fairness in all its endeavors.”

In response to these developments, CICOA and VIDEA have issued a set of demands addressed to NEMA and the Ugandan government:

  1. Halt to Selective Evictions: Immediate cessation of all evictions in the Lubigi wetland, accompanied by inclusive discussions involving local leaders and affected communities.
  2. Equitable Enforcement: NEMA must ensure uniform application of environmental laws, irrespective of the status of the offenders, to restore public trust in its commitment to environmental protection and justice.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement: Meaningful involvement of affected communities, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders in decision-making processes related to environmental conservation efforts.
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