Wakiso Enumerators Refuse to Begin Census Duties Over Appointment Letter Discrepancies

Friday, May 10, 2024
This exercise is being touted as the first-ever digital population and housing census, a big leap towards modernization
2 Min Read


  • Enumerators in Katabi Town Council, Wakiso District scheduled for census data collection have refused to begin their duties due to discrepancies in their appointment letters

WAKISO, (Examiner) – Enumerators scheduled for census data collection in Katabi Town Council, Wakiso District, have refused to begin their duties due to discrepancies in their appointment letters, leading to a heated debate. The main point of contention revolves around confusion regarding facilitation and compensation for their work.

The enumerators claim they were initially promised a daily payment of UGX 50,000 for their services. However, upon reviewing their appointment letters, they discovered that the stipulated amount was intended to cover the entire 10-day data collection period.

This revelation has caused frustration and dissatisfaction among the enumerators, who feel deceived and inadequately compensated for their expected workload. Many are concerned about the financial implications of committing to a 10-day assignment without the promised daily payment.

In response to the escalating tensions, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) has intervened to clarify the terms of the enumerator contracts. UBOS has emphasized that the UGX 50,000 mentioned in the appointment letters is indeed meant as compensation for the entire data collection period, rather than a daily wage.

UBOS has acknowledged that the discrepancy resulted from a typographical error and assured the enumerators that they will receive the agreed-upon compensation for their services. Additionally, UBOS has pledged to provide the necessary field equipment and support to ensure a smooth and successful census data collection process.

Despite UBOS’ clarifications and reassurances, some enumerators remain skeptical and are calling for further transparency and accountability in the contracting process. They urge authorities to promptly address the issue to prevent any disruptions to the census data collection timeline.

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