Ngite ADF Attack: 2 Soldiers, 3 Rebels, 5 Civilians Killed

Thursday, January 25, 2024
Congolese soldiers after an ADF attack in North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo in a file photo taken December 11, 2018. © Goran Tomasevic, Reuters
3 Min Read


  • In a recent ADF rebel attack on the village of Ngite in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo, five civilians, two FARDC soldiers, and three suspected rebels lost their lives.

A new deadly attack perpetrated by ADF rebels has devastated the village of Ngite, located near the town of Béni, in the province of North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Two FARDC soldiers, three suspected ADF rebels and five civilians lost their lives during this violent incursion. This new tragedy highlights the need to strengthen security in a region already hard hit by armed conflicts.

According to Captain Anthony Mualushay, spokesperson for Sokola I operations, the ADF rebels attempted to cross the west of the village, coming from the side of the Nzuma River east of the RN4. Unfortunately, they engaged in an indiscriminate attack on the local population, resulting in the death of five innocent civilians. The Congolese armed forces reacted quickly, managing to neutralize three of the rebels and recover a weapon.

The release of a hostage and protection measures:
Despite this tragedy, a glimmer of hope emerged from the shadows. The soldiers managed to free a young man taken hostage by the rebels during their pursuit. The captive was quickly taken to the military dispensary to receive the necessary care, and his life is not in danger. This victory represents an important step in the fight against the ADF.

The climate of insecurity and the consequences on the population:
This new attack sowed panic among the residents of Ngite, prompting some of them to flee to the town of Béni, while others sought refuge near the MONUSCO installations in Mavivi. Although most finally returned to their homes late in the evening, the climate of insecurity persists and threatens the stability of the region. Additional measures must be taken to ensure the safety of residents.

The deadly ADF attack in Ngite is yet another tragedy added to the long list of violence perpetrated in the North Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This event reinforces the need to strengthen security and put an end to the activities of armed groups who continue to sow terror among civilians. It is imperative that local authorities and security forces take all necessary measures to protect the population and restore peace in the region.

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