Police detain man on NUP missing list

Ssezibwa region police spokesperson, Hellen Butoto (R) with Mr Martin Lukwago at Kayunga Central police station on December 8, 2023. PHOTO/ FRED MUZAALE


  • Police are holding Martin Lukwago for investigations after he was presented by Kayunga RDC, Moses Dumba, challenging NUP’s claims of enforced disappearances; Lukwago, denying NUP’s report, is under police protection, and authorities are scrutinizing his statements, displaying a questionable ID form as evidence, while plans are underway to present him to Parliament.

Police have confirmed the detention of Martin Lukwago for investigative purposes, following his recent public appearance orchestrated by Kayunga RDC, Moses Dumba. Dumba aimed to challenge what he termed as National Unity Platform (NUP) “fabrications” regarding enforced disappearances.

Lukwago, aged 45, was presented before journalists in Kayunga District on Thursday to counter reports that his name appeared on the list of missing Ugandans presented by NUP to Parliament. The police stated on Friday that they are safeguarding him from potential harm, emphasizing their commitment to both protection and scrutiny of Lukwago’s assertions.

Hellen Butoto, the Ssezibwa region police spokesperson, revealed during a press conference at Kayunga Central Police Station that they are actively investigating Lukwago’s claims. She clarified that he is not under detention but is cooperating in ongoing investigations. Butoto barred Lukwago from communicating with the media while the examination is underway.

On Thursday, Dumba claimed that Lukwago approached his office, vehemently denying any arrest or abduction by security forces as reported by NUP. Lukwago expressed shock at finding his name on the list of missing NUP supporters. However, when asked to provide documentation confirming his identity, Lukwago lacked a national ID or any official records.

Butoto presented a copy of a national identification card registration form with Lukwago’s details on Friday. A closer inspection revealed alterations on the form before Lukwago’s information was added.

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Lukwago, in a press briefing alongside Dumba and other officials, refuted being a victim of abduction, asserting that he was involved in a road accident on January 19, 2021. He claimed NUP leaders approached him at Mulago National Referral Hospital, where he was being treated, to register on their list for financial support to cover medical expenses.

While NUP Secretary General Lewis Rubongoya contested Lukwago’s identity, providing a photo of the missing individual they were seeking, an unnamed security source indicated plans to take Lukwago to Parliament for a meeting with Speaker Anita Among and subsequent presentation before MPs.

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