Two Married Women Exchange Blows Over Husband in Kasese

Kasese District | THE BLACK EXAMINER | A dramatic altercation unfolded when two married women reportedly engaged in a heated exchange of words, leading to a physical confrontation over a man at the Burandya trading center in Mahango Sub County, Kasese district.

According to Mr. Josephat Bwambale, the chairperson of Nyamutswa village, who witnessed the incident, the dispute began when Mrs. Kanyughutha ordered her husband to leave the bar operated by Ms. Rafairina Kabugho. She accused Ms. Kabugho of exploiting her husband, Mr. Patrick Kanyughutha, financially and engaging in extramarital affairs with him.

The initial exchange of words escalated quickly, resulting in a physical brawl. The two women threw punches and wrestled on the ground as onlookers cheered.

Mr. Josephat emphasized the importance of respect in marriage and highlighted that infidelity not only posed health risks but also threatened the stability of a marriage.

Mr. Mathias Mubunga, our local news contact in the area, reported that the local leadership had previously warned the two women about their unruly behavior.

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