Two Police Officers Dismissed and Charged with Attempted Murder

Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Fred Enanga, Uganda Police Force Spokesperson. PHOTO/COURTESY
Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey - Examiner Journalist
2 Min Read

Kampala, Uganda | THE BLACK EXAMINER | In Busoga North and Greater Bushenyi, the Territorial Police have taken disciplinary action against two of their own officers, pressing charges related to attempted murder and threats of violence, according to Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga.

The first incident, which occurred in Kaliro District, eastern Uganda, involved Police Constable D/C Bwire Moses Mangeni, 27, who was charged with discreditable conduct and attempted murder. He allegedly attempted to kill Police Constable Kutosi Tyson on September 12, 2023, around 11 pm. The motive behind the attack was reportedly a dispute over access to a police motorcycle. Angered by the denial, the suspect attacked Kutosi with a hoe and then fired a gun with 30 rounds, puncturing the walls of the OC post. The suspect was apprehended and appeared in court on September 15, 2025, facing charges of attempted murder. Kutosi was taken to Musana HC for medical treatment.

In the second incident, which took place in Sheema District (Greater Bushenyi), Corporal Ambrose Katumwehe, a 57-year-old police officer stationed at Kanekye Police Post, Kashozi division, was charged with threatening violence against Nakyanzi Caroline, a barmaid in Kanekye trading center, also on September 12, 2023, at approximately 11 pm. In a drunken state and armed with a gun, Katumwehe threatened to open fire on the victim’s door if it wasn’t opened. Subsequently, he fired three shots at her door, causing alarm. The suspect was arrested by the District Police Commander (DPC) and his team, and the gun, along with cartridges, was recovered. He was charged with attempted murder and threatening violence.

The police strongly condemned these acts of violence and attempted murder, emphasizing their commitment to upholding the rule of law and holding officers accountable for such misconduct within their ranks.


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Busiinge Aggrey
By Busiinge Aggrey Examiner Journalist
Business Aggrey" is a 23-year-old Ugandan journalist and Editor-in-Chief at The Black Examiner newspaper
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