UPDF Offers Temp Housing for Helicopter Crash Victim’s Family

The Uganda People's Defence Air Force-UPDAF spokes person Major John Naboth Mugisha. PHOTO/COURTESY


  • The family of John Mukidi, who lost his life in a UPDF helicopter crash, has been provided temporary housing, while investigations are ongoing to determine the cause of the accident that claimed the lives of two pilots and resulted in the clearance of unexploded ordnance from the wreckage.

The family of the late John Mukidi, who tragically lost his life in the Uganda Peoples Defence Air Force helicopter crash that struck his home, has been granted temporary housing for a duration of six months while their damaged residence undergoes reconstruction.

The unfortunate incident unfolded on January 2, 2024, in Karugutu, Ntoroko district, claiming the lives of two pilots, Lt. Swadik Aroma and Lt. Allan Tukamuheebwa, along with civilian victim John Mukidi, who lost his life when the armed helicopter gunship crashed into his house on that fateful Tuesday.

Major John Naboth Mugisha, the Air Force spokesperson, clarified that the UPDF is overseeing all burial arrangements for the civilian and the fallen pilots. Both Mukidi and Swadik were laid to rest on Friday in their ancestral homes in Ntoroko and Arua districts, respectively. Lt. Tukamuheebwa’s burial is scheduled for Saturday in Kabula, Lyantonde district.

The military chopper crashed into John Mukidi’s home, resulting in his instant death. Investigations into the crash’s cause are underway, and Major Mugisha emphasized that the wreckage will be cleared once the investigation team has thoroughly examined and assessed the site. Civilian access to the crash site is restricted to maintain the scene’s integrity for an accurate evaluation of the factors contributing to the accident.

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The crashed helicopter, equipped with rockets and bombs, had some unexploded ordnance. Major Mugisha mentioned that a team of experts specializing in explosive ordnance devices conducted clearance in the area to prevent secondary accidents caused by unexploded ordinances from the aircraft involved in the accident.

Emphasizing patience, Major Mugisha stated, “Let’s await the investigators’ findings to determine the exact cause of the accident, ruling out technical error, human error, or machine malfunction.” He underscored the importance of a thorough and comprehensive examination of the circumstances leading to the tragic event.

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