Uganda, Take Note: Address Grievances Now to Avoid Kenya-Style Unrest

Rhyman Alphred Agaba. PHOTO/COURTESY


  • Watching the events in Kenya, I am deeply saddened and reminded of similar struggles in Uganda. The pain of protesters, grieving mothers, frustrated youth, and struggling families hits close to home.

As I watch the events unfolding in Kenya, my heart sinks. I see the pain and frustration in the eyes of the protesters, and I am reminded of the struggles we face in Uganda. The tears of the mothers who have lost their children, the anger of the youth who feel their future is being stolen, and the desperation of the families who can’t make ends meet – it’s all too familiar.

But I am also filled with a sense of urgency and purpose. I know that our work as advocates is far from over. We must continue to amplify the voices of the marginalized, to hold our leaders accountable, and to fight for a world where every person can live with dignity and respect.

The ongoing protests in Kenya serve as a stark reminder to Ugandan leaders to prioritize the needs and concerns of their citizens. Uganda faces similar challenges, including economic inequality, political repression, and corruption. If left unaddressed, these issues could lead to similar unrest and protests.

Ugandan leaders must take proactive steps to:

1. Address economic inequality and poverty
2. Enhance democratic space and respect human rights
3. Combat corruption and ensure accountability
4. Invest in education, healthcare, and infrastructure
5. Engage in inclusive and transparent decision-making processes

By doing so, they can prevent the buildup of frustration and anger among citizens, and create a more stable and prosperous future for all Ugandans. The Kenyan example serves as a wake-up call; it’s time for Ugandan leaders to listen to the voices of their people and act accordingly.

ALSO READ  Uganda's trade surplus with DR Congo reaches $53m, the highest in the region

We must learn from Kenya’s experience and take heed of the warning signs. Let us work together to build a Uganda where every citizen has a voice, where every person has access to opportunities, and where every leader is held accountable.

The future of our nation depends on it.

Rhyman Alphred Agaba, Advocacy Officer, Citizens’ Concern Africa Email: 

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