Kakumiro: One Govt School Serving 23 Villages

Monday, September 25, 2023
Map showing Kiriisa P/S. A govt -aided school in Kakumiro serving 23 villages. PHOTO/FILE
Busiinge Aggrey
4 Min Read

Kakumiro District | THE BLACK EXAMINER | In Kakindo Sub-county, Bugangaizi West, Kakumiro, Western Region, Uganda, a single government-aided school stands as the only source of educational hope for 23 villages. The recent monitoring conducted by this publication has illuminated critical challenges confronting government-aided schools in Kakindo Sub County. Despite the request to withhold publication, the compelling nature of these issues demands public attention. The report unveils concerns regarding poor enrollment, a surge in pregnancies during the lockdown, teacher strikes, and infrastructure deficits plaguing these vital educational institutions.

This initiative was driven by the sincere intention to provide the public with valuable insights into the state of government-aided schools and their activities within Kakindo Sub County.

One of the most disconcerting findings was the persistently low enrollment rates in government schools. The report has taken note that during the lockdown period, many young girls experienced pregnancies, further exacerbating the enrollment crisis. This stark reality raises profound concerns about the well-being of these young girls and amplifies the urgent need for comprehensive sexual education programs within these educational institutions.

The report also casts a spotlight on a recent teacher sit-down strike that resulted in the closure of all government schools in the sub county. This labor action has had profound consequences, disrupting the education of countless students and underscoring the pressing requirement for a stable and consistent teaching staff in the region.

Infrastructure deficiencies emerge as another formidable challenge confronting government-aided schools in Kakindo Sub County. Notably, at Kiriisa Primary School, a three-stance pit latrine has yet to be constructed, presenting significant hygiene concerns for both students and staff. Furthermore, a dearth of desks persists, leaving many students without adequate seating. The absence of permanent structures for baby classes at Kihuuna Parents School compounds the list of infrastructure concerns.

Our report resoundingly underscores the imperative of continuous follow-up on government schools to inform the planning, budgeting, and resource allocation processes. With only one government-aided school in Kihuuna Parish, despite the vast size of the sub county, encompassing 23 villages and four parishes, there is an urgent need for the expansion of educational infrastructure.

The shortage of government teachers is equally concerning, with a mere six teachers at Kihuuna Parents School. This shortage vehemently underscores the requirement for the recruitment of more qualified educators to adequately address the educational needs of the region.

Furthermore, the absence of a library to house the books provided by both the government and World Vision poses a significant challenge to the optimal utilization of educational resources.

The report also underscores the pressing need for latrine renovations and classroom improvements at Kihuuna Parents School.

While the one official has expressed reservations about publishing this report, our commitment to responsible journalism, the public’s right to know, and the gravity of the issues at hand compel us to share this information with our readers. Addressing these challenges is not only critical for the development of Kakindo Sub County but also for the future prospects of its youth.

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